
Don't Date A Writer

I was just thinking the other day, at the rate we’re going with environmental pollution, sooner or later Mother Nature is going to have it with us. She’ll more or less pack up her bags and leave us at the mercy of the elements. What happens then? People begin to starve. Desperation drives people to such crazy lengths and as history has proven time and time again, there will always be a person with horrible ideas who will come into power and cause more harm than good. Think Hitler, Idi Amin, your former high school principal…
So, take a mental trip with me. It’s 2050, and I am 53 years old. Person X is the president of this country and his people are starving. He comes up with a brilliant idea, let’s cook and eat the fat ones. Guess who gets eaten first? Yours truly! I can almost imagine how…

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